Kyiv Startups List

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Meet 13 frontend developer View everyone

ID 804696

Yulia Tsyba

I am an inspired frontend and backend developer with high development speed and good knowledge.

ID 448912

Olga Gorobets

Highly experienced front-end developer

ID 711271

Oleksandr Bezhan

Passionated full stack developer looking for the exciting new project with remote job option

ID 879102

Dmitriy Sukhomlynov


ID 816545

Alexander Sirotenko

Software engineer in Cogniance

ID 385983

Vitalii Hudyma

Front-end dev

ID 119120

Vasyl Stanislavchuk

Looking for creative and smart team, that focus on impact and values.

ID 484182

Stanislav Synko

Over 8 years in IT, built over 20 web based projects, founded 2 startups and one service company.

ID 747464

Antonio Ukhlin

Founder Ukrainian Future • Studied at @national-mining-university-of-ukraine

ID 872226

Tony Tomko

Working at Playson

ID 784359

Kateryna Kravchenko

Experienced Project Manager and Client Service Manager in variety of fields, bilingual english/russian

ID 332282

Vladimir Kartaviy

Co-Founder & CTO @kolektado • 10 years in @software-development • Master of Computer Science @national-technical-university-of-ukraine

ID 793342

Sergiy Glazunov

MD in CS, worked in Barclays Cap, Wargaming, G5

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);