Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Kyiv.
Founding and managing partner of a venture fund AVentures Capital. Board Member nuPSYS, Augmented Pixels, Jooble, DepositPhotos
Founder @ideals-solutions • Worked at @microsoft
Managing Director, Startup Labs, SF based VC fund
Senior BD/Evangelist,
Managing Partner, Eastlabs, Kyiv, Ukraine based seed accelerator fund
ЕastLabs is a newly launched internet focused venture capital seed accelerator fund based in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Founder and managing partner AVentures, investor Divan.TV,Checkio,Augmented Pixels, Coppertino (VOX), Starwind, NuPsys
Associate @imperious-group • Investor @echo-6 @chooos @coursmos @hashtago @cupli-surveys @croice • Studied at @university-of-california-berkeley
Angel Partner at TA Venture seed/early-stage VC fund.
Expertise department head
Worked @happy-farm, @imperious-group • Investor @hashtago, @chooos • Studied @uc-berkeley-haas-school-of-business, @university-of-california-berkeley